The operators or drivers of “motorcycles with drivers”, commonly known as motorcycle taxi or motorcycle taxi, must comply with the regulations in force, the conditions of professional skills, maintenance and characteristics of the vehicle.
Before 2011, you could only become a motorcycle taxi driver with an A license and specific insurance for the transport of people on a motorcycle for a fee. At that time, it was the insurance companies that “imposed” the criteria: the seniority of the driving license (minimum 5 years), large engine insurance in recent years and the bonus guaranteeing that you did not have had responsible claims.
Since 2011, Decree No. 2010-1223 of October 11, 2010 relating to the public transport of people with a driver, regulates the profession of motorcycle taxi and aims to better protect the people transported, with in particular a control of criminal records, the obtaining a professional card and putting up specific signage on vehicles. Obtaining the professional driver’s card for a 2 or 3-wheel motorized vehicle was then relatively easy by filling out the form at the departmental prefecture and first undergoing a medical examination with an approved doctor.
In 2015, law N°2014-1104 of October 1, 2014 – article 14, modifies the regulations to become a motorcycle taxi driver and decree N°2014-1725 of December 30, 2014. It defines new training obligations and imposes the Obtaining a certificate of professional competence which is obtained following compulsory training.
The Two or Three Wheel Motorized Vehicle (VMDTR) must have:
-Less than 5 years old (except collector’s vehicles)
-An engine with a net power greater than or equal to 40 kW, except in the case of an electric or hybrid vehicle.
– A blue sign with the registration number of the vehicle must be affixed in a visible manner.
– The subscription of a motorcycle insurance specific to the transport of people for a fee is compulsory and must be able to be justified during any control.
Annual maintenance certificate
A motorized vehicle with two or three wheels is not subject to technical inspection.
But every year, the vehicle must be serviced and checked on the safety components (braking systems, steering, suspension, tires, visibility, lighting.
The maintenance certificate must be renewed each year.
Specific signage
Motorcycle taxi vehicles must be fitted with specific signage: a sticker indicating the registration number of the vehicle assigned to the provision of the service.
It is identifiable by its blue color and its logo of the Ministry of the Interior.
It must be affixed to the windscreen or, failing that, to the vehicle so as to be visible.
The vignette, the size of which is 8 cm x 8 cm, must conform to the model fixed by order.
Prior reservation required
A motorcycle taxi driver can take care of a customer only if his driver can justify a prior reservation from the customer.
He can neither park nor drive on the public road in search of customers.
As an exception, the motorcycle taxi driver can park near a train station or an airport (or inside their enclosure) while waiting for the customer who has booked, but only for a maximum of 1 hour. before actual treatment.
At the end of the race, the motorcycle taxi driver must return to the establishment of his operator or park off the road (a parking lot or a garage for example), unless he justifies a prior reservation or of a contract with the end customer.
Rates are free and unregulated
The total price of the race is fixed or determined at the time of the order. It can by exception be calculated according to the travel time (duration of the service) and, in this case, be determined after completion of the service.
It should not be calculated on the basis of the distance traveled on the meter (horokilometric basis reserved for taxis).
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